
My cat likes to join me for a walk


Unspoken words for all eternity: Unspoken words for all eternity: Coronavirus panic...

Unspoken words for all eternity: Unspoken words for all eternity: Coronavirus panic... : Unspoken words for all eternity: Coronavirus panic calm down are you insane : Whats wrong with you people whats wrong with the world have ev...

Unspoken words for all eternity: my quotes

Unspoken words for all eternity: my quotes :                                     Welcome to my quotes

my quotes

                                    Welcome to my quotes

Unspoken words for all eternity: If someone needs some good reading join me.

Unspoken words for all eternity: If someone needs some good reading join me. : Hello everyone, its good to be back on to my blog,to tell you about my new open FB page,its all about my writing. follow this link and hop...

In the memory of my Friend.

                       In the memory of my dear friend George in peace my angel I meet George,in the beginning of the 90,on my first computer,i were looking for friends, mainly someone that could teach me knowledge of the Native American culture,their, Traditions.Then i meet George we talked about his culture and how is career as an actor,had started,and how i could get the skills needed to be on stage,to learn the freedom to reach for my dreams.His acting career started late in his life,he were closer to 60 years old when he started,He always told me,that he wished that he had started earlier in his life,but he said its never to late to start your dreams. After writing,with,George me and,my family went to US,to meet him in Los Angeles,were he invited us,to a movie sets and powwows.,more memories soon. You know how they say that everyone, enters your life for a reason?  With all my heart i,believe that to be true.I have met some of the most amazing people wh